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  R. J. Cooper "Road Trip 
An assistive technology workshop
to observe evaluations
for adapted software and hardware
Sponsored by the South Carolina Assistive Technology Project (SCATP)
Friday, March 2, 2001
8:30 am ­ 3:30 pm
Midlands Center Collaborative Training Center
Columbia, South Carolina
About the Workshop

Mr. Cooper will be working individually for one half hour with students and others with a variety of disabilities and assistive technology needs. During that time he will evaluate and determine the optimal means for each person to access assistive devices. He will be bringing with him all necessary hardware and software, along with fifteen years of experience in problem solving for every disability and age group. Two TV monitors will be set up to show these sessions so that all attending will easily be able to see and hear as he works with each person. Parents, therapists, service coordinators, teachers are invited to observe for all or part of the day.

About R. J. Cooper

R.J. Cooper makes products for persons with special needs, including special software and hardware adaptations for persons with very special needs. He is well known for the CooperCar. He writes the column "Ask RJ" for Closing the Gap, a publication devoted to computer technology in special education and rehabilitation. He continues to research and develop materials for actual people in actual settings, in response to requests he receives from parents and professionals. You can visit R.J. Cooper's web site at

Register for R.J. Cooper's Road Trip Workshop (No registration fee)

X Call SCATP at (803) 935-5273
X Fax SCATP at (803) 935-5342, or
X Email SCATP at

Provide your name, agency, address, phone, and email.

Workshop Schedule
8:30-9:00        Registration, Refreshments
9:00 - 9:45      Introduction by R.J. Cooper
9:45 - 10:00    Break
10:00 - 12:00   4 learners, 1/2 hour each
12:00 - 1:30    Lunch on your own
1:30 - 3:30     4 learners, 1/2 hour each

For updated information about this seminar, see

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