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RJ Cooper is coming to
Charlotte, NC !!!

Wednesday, February 28,  2001

Metro School
700  E.  Second  Street
Charlotte,  NC  28202

Mr. Cooper and selected persons with disabilities will be
demonstrating Assistive Technology options for learning and living.

Free and Open             Two Sessions:
      to the Public      9:00 to 11:30 & 1 to 3:30

Sponsored by:
The Carolina Computer Access Center & Metro School

Call Judy Timms for more information:
CCAC:  704-342-3004           Metro School:  704-343-5450

     RJ Cooper has many years of  experience as a researcher and developer of hardware and software products for people with severe disabilities. He is a popular presenter at national and international adaptive technology conferences.  He is considered a pioneer in the field of Assistive Technology, helping to launch this field back in 1984.  His specialty is working hands-on with persons with special needs, and developing unique technology items for specific purposes.

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