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Plan to Attend:
A Day with RJ Cooper

Thursday, March 1

Progressive Education Program
TC Roberson HS, Ashville, NC

Morning Session: 9:00 - 12:00                                          Free and Open
Afternoon Session: 1:00 - 3:00                                          to the Public

Come join us for either or both sessions!

RJ Cooper has been a researcher and developer for persons with severe disabilities since 1984. He has authored many software titles and developed several hardware adaptations. His expertise ranges from severe/profound to mild developmental delays and learning disabilities. He lectures regularly at Adaptive Technology conferences and is the author of the column “Ask RJ” which appears in the publication “Closing The Gap”.

Mr. Cooper’s unique presentations consist of his working with a variety of students to help develop learning solutions. What a great way to see technology at work and to give us all ideas of how to use technology to create solutions for our students!

imageCall the PEP program at 654-1780 to registerimage

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