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RJ's TechWeek
Combine Technology and Family Fun... ...
during 3 days of exploration and learning!

Haven't you wished, time and again, that you could spend time watching, learning, and interacting with someone like Mr. Cooper while he works, personally, with your special needs family member? Hundreds of you have seen Mr. Cooper in action, or spoken with him, and expressed this exact desire. Many parents and professionals feel that Mr. Cooper may be the best in the world for stimulating and motivating persons with severe to profound disabilities, either physical and/or cognitive. Also, through interacting with hundreds of family members, Mr. Cooper is uniquely qualified to implement just about any adaptive technology with the special needs family member and teach other family members about that technology and the adaptations necessary!

Sessions take place in the morning so the afternoons are free for such popular attractions as Disneyland, Sea World, Knott's Berry Farm, Los Angeles, San Diego, whale watching (in season), ocean fishing, beach-going, and a variety of other activities, all within 1 hour. There are even options for taking the other kids on excursions while the parents and special needs family member are intensely exploring technology options, hands-on! Or, RJ will structure the sessions so that all family members participate in the technology fun.

Each month, year-round, Mr. Cooper will give 2 families the opportunity to come to sunny southern California, with their entire families (yes, your able-bodied kids also!). You will work with Mr. Cooper, personally, for 2 hours each day for 3 days. The first hour will be with your family members that need to know more about technology, learning exactly how to operate the specific software and hardware necessary to cultivate growth in your special needs family member (even The CooperCar, when appropriate!). The second hour will focus on interaction, between Mr. Cooper and your special needs family member, you, and any other family members you wish to be involved. Mr. Cooper will try different software and hardware ideas, attempting to stimulate significant changes in their behavior, learning, communication, and understanding.

You will leave Mr. Cooper's Tech Week with a new motivation and knowledge of the software, hardware, methods, and materials necessary to really get things going back home.

We are very selective in who we allow to come to TechWeek, as Mr. Cooper's time is very limited.  Our biggest requirement, strange as it might sound, is appreciation for Mr. Cooper's services.  In this day of 'biggest bang for a buck', many are thinking of our TechWeek as a financial investment. True, TechWeek is not cheap, but it is the personal investment, Mr. Cooper's, your's, and your learner's time that we consider most valuable.  If you have seen your learner work with Mr. Cooper in the past, or consult with someone that has, then there should be no doubt as to whether this investment is a worthwhile one.  If you haven't, then ask around in the special needs community.  Most everyone knows of Mr. Cooper's work and his caring, and his success in accomplishing, at times, the 'impossible'.

TechWeek is $1000/day, which includes the 24 hour computer lab and space, and 2 hours/day of Mr. Cooper's time.  It does not include your hotel room, transportation or recreation costs. 

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