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(Truly Simple Email)
(Beta testers!  The version here is NOT the version I need tested.  I will let you know when it's ready)

Screenshot of voicemail part of I
            Can Email
(Click on picture for full size)

A simple, but powerful, full-screen, talking email program.  Designed for those with cognitive challenges, visual challenges, as well as physical challenges. For the user, it operates in a sequential manner, where it asks one question at a time, such as "Who would you like to send this to?" or "If you'd like to speak your message, you can do that here."

No reading is necessary because it talks, talks, talks :)

The email 'partner' (the recipient or sender) sends and receives mail without any special software at all!  To him/her it is just like emailing with anyone else.

ICanEmail can also let the user send/receive mail from other users on their system, without even using the Internet at all, even to themselves for practice.  AND YOU CAN EVEN ACCESS AOL, HOTMAIL, ETC., through a third party program, IzyMail!

Works with keyboard (IntelliKeys, BigKeys), or pointing device (Magic Touchscreen, SAM-Joystick, SAM-Trackball), or CrossScanner for single switch.

There is even an option to operate ICanEmail by voice, *any* voice, even the voice of an Augmentative Communication device!

picture of
              melissa and kenny rogers
Melissa, an active user of ICanEmail, with her idol, Kenny Rogers (click on the pic to enlarge it)
(Click here to listen to a voicemail Melissa sent to me using ICanEmail)

Click here to listent to a voicemail Cassie sent me from ICanEmail

image of dad using icanemail
Col. John F. Wood (USAF-Ret.) - Potomac, Maryland - 83 years old
(Picture courtesy of ASHA; click for enlargement)

Installation gives you a limited number of uses of the full software.
If/when you have purchased the software, you can enter the Registration Code for unlimited use.
Installation, in no way, obligates purchase!
(Read Downloading notes to learn more about downloading, decoding, and decompressing)
ICanEmail Software for Download (Nothing will be shipped! See below for CD version)
1) Download the software. It will let you try it 7 times.  You can then...

2) Purchase a Registration Code (or you can purchase the Code at any time)
SM-27R - Registration Code for ICanEmail for ALL Macs - $59
(OS X upgrades from earlier versions are available for $49 by contacting us)
Download Now
(12 Meg)
SW-24R - Registration Code for ICanEmail for ALL Windows - $59 Download Now
(16 Meg (ouch!))

ICanEmail Software for Shipment
SM-27 - ICanEmail for ALL Macs - $59
(OS X upgrades from earlier versions are available for $49 by contacting us)
SW-24 - ICanEmail for ALL Windows - $59

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