FAQ for Downloading from our Web Site

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FAQ for Downloading from our Web Site for Mac

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I would like to order Biggy Lite for Mac, but my browser is warning me
that it is on an insecure server.  Can I order it by phone or send you a check?

Actually, if you read carefully, the credit card input form *is* secure and then after that, the
download link is 'insecure' (actually it's physically secure).

Your credit card info *is* secure.  We use standard encryption techniques.  Or you may call
949-582-2749 and speak with Dana and she'll take your info and get your email address and we'll
email you the file.

I oredered On Screen for the Mac and all went well, I thought. I
downloaded the Mac Version using a PC disk on a Sony machine, thinking
the file could be opened up on the Macintosh. The Mac did not like the
package or I don't have the right program to unzip the file. Please advise the
best way to get the program onto the Mac.

The file you downloaded is encoded to retain the Mac-specific info.  The
encoded is called BinHex, and you can tell when a file is BinHex encoded
by its .hqx extension.  All Mac files on the Net are encoded this way.

You can save the file to a floppy and move that file to a Mac, but then
you must *decode* the file, using any of the Stuffit programs, like the
free Stuffit Expander for Mac, and that will yield the actual installer.

FAQ for Downloading from our Web Site for Windows

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I tried the setup procedure and could not get past the install driver stage because it was calling for a mouse driver that was not available on my hard drive.

Right, that is why the instructions state that you need your Windows CD.  Those standard drivers
that the directions refer to are on the Windows Cd.