Auggie Rental Terms and Conditions
(Please print clearly!)

1) I, ___________________________________, acting on behalf of ________________________________________, take responsibility for unpacking, any assembly, care, and return packaging and availability of the unit rented from RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.

2) I guarantee that any damage incurred during this rental period will be paid for by ________________________________, with cost dictated by RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.

3) I promise to have the unit available for UPS pickup exactly 2 weeks after receipt.  I understand that any delay in this availability will result in an additional rental period of 2 weeks, which will be paid for by ___________________________________.

Product that you wish to rent (circle one):  Mini-Auggie          Auggie          Super-Auggie

Name of renter: ____________________________________________________________________

Name of renting facility: _____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip, Country: _____________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________     Email: _________________________________________

Desired rental period: ________________________________________________________________

Method of payment (circle one):  Purchase order (mail or fax, no phone/verbal)     or...
                                                 Visa     MC     AMEX     Discover

Card #: _____________________________________________________  Exp. date: ____________

Name on card: _____________________________________________________________

Optional $100 insurance (covers everything except drastic physical abuse)     YES            NO

Use your Print button in your browser to print this form, fill it out, and fax/mail/email to us
RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.
27601 Forbes Rd. Suite 39, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
1-800-RJCooper (800-752-6673) or dial direct 949-582-2572  
Fax: 949-582-3169

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